Sunday, November 16, 2008

Turkey Lurkey Haiku

Turkey Lurkey Time
Phil and Jen are hosting
It will be awesome.

Almost Thanksgiving
Time to stuff food in your face
Until you throw up.

Mer is allergic
To turkey-related food
She's going to have ham.

Turk the Terrible
He wants to stop Thanksgiving
I say "F U, TURK!"

Comment with your own haiku!



Anonymous said...

Here's a haiku for you:

Turkey tastes real gross
Like the fungus in your toes
I'll be having ham.

I am making rolls
with real yeast, which grows and grows
I guess that's gross, too.

I can't wait to eat
and feast on all the good treats
Yum, yum yummy.... yum.


c said...

Turkey is the best,
Can't wait for the food coma
I heart Tryptophan!

Dobber said...

Made tofurkey once
It sucked- the silver lining
Bears over Lions

Last Thanksgiving Day
My dessert was stomach flu
Sausage stuffing, ughhh